Spend more time on patient care and less time on scheduling management with Calmanac.

One Product, Many Solutions

Specialty care providers need tailor-made solutions for therapist and patient schedule management, that optimizes day-to-day operations and are compliant.

  • Manage Care Provider Schedules
  • View Patient Requirements and Fulfillment
  • Track Payor Process and Claims Status

Calmanac by hBITS is a comprehensive tool for clinical services scheduling that is designed to integrate with the specific needs of one-on-one therapy providers and autism treatment centers.

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Increase Contract Fulfillment Rate

Complicated scheduling tasks to follow complex contract terms can force you to route crucial practice resources away from patient care. Even a minute oversight can reduce claim fulfillment and affect your revenue cycle.

With Calmanac, you can smoothly run your scheduling operations with a near-zero error % and sustainably improve your contract fulfillment rate.

  • Schedule appointments for credentialed therapists eligible for providing care
  • Automate re-calculation of authorized care-hours due to scheduling changes
  • Stay within contract terms while maintaining 100% compliance enablement

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Scheduling Analytics and Automation

Use powerful analytics to upgrade your scheduling management, elevating patient and provider experience. Significantly reduce scheduling errors with Calmanac by seamlessly automating data transfer and accessibility.

  • Dynamic Dashboards with Therapist Availability and Engagement Reports
  • Session Overlap Prevention and Automatic Travel Time Calculation
  • Minimum and Maximum Service Hours Reminders for Each Patient

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Generate Customized Reports

Optimize resource utilization and daily operations by generating custom reports for your practice. Calmanac’s user friendly interface enables report modification and customization in few simple clicks.

  • Track Key Performance Indicators of Your Practice
  • Monitor Monthly Cost and Revenue Trends
  • Access Daily Employee Count and Availability

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Design Care As Per Patient Needs

Patient availability and medical records matter a lot in providing effective one-on-one therapy or autism treatment. Design and deliver best in industry care to your patients with Calmanac’s Patient Management functionality.

  • Access patient profiles with current and upcoming care needs
  • Monitor scheduled and rendered service hours
  • Add multiple funding sources for each patient
  • Maintain patient records in a centralized repository

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Generate Customized Reports

Optimize resource utilization and daily operations by generating custom reports for your practice. Calmanac’s user friendly interface enables report modification and customization in few simple clicks.

  • Track Key Performance Indicators of Your Practice
  • Monitor Monthly Cost and Revenue Trends
  • Access Daily Employee Count and Availability

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Process Visibility for Care Excellence

With Calamanc’s scheduler view, you can clearly view your scheduling process from patient and provider perspective. Manage practice-wide schedules on a single platform, with an easy to use interface.

  • Detailed Patient and Therapist Availability Data for Scheduling
  • Toggle between Patient and Therapist View on Same Calendar
  • One-Click Scheduling, Editing, Cancelling, and Status Update of Appointments

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